August 24, 2021

What To Do When Weather Interferes With Your Training

Weather can impact your training in different ways. Here’s what to do when weather interferes with your training.

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It’s been raining a lot here in Singapore lately. And while rain isn’t too much of an issue, the lightning that often accompanies it is.

Just this morning, I had to cancel a 1:1 coaching session because the lightning made it too dangerous to swim.

This got me thinking about how weather impacts training. 

Most endurance athletes are type A. They want to train, and they get incredibly annoyed when something gets in the way of that plan. I’ve had several emails from frustrated athlete’s asking if they should make up a session or what else they can do when it rains.

First off. It can rain on race too, so if you avoid training in the rain because you don’t want to get wet and uncomfortable, or you don’t want to dry your shoes or clean your bike afterwards, you’re just soft.

If you never become familiar and comfortable in that environment, you will never be prepared for when you have to race in those conditions. That’s a problem.

If the rain is torrential or there’s lightning, and your safety is at risk, you will need to adjust your plans.

You can’t control the weather, so there is little point worrying about it. As an athlete, you must always focus on the things within your control. 

Ideally, that means changing your approach and still doing some form of training. Consistency is the ultimate performance enhancer, so even if you can’t do exactly what you want, doing something is almost always better than nothing. 

In that regard, let’s look at what you can do in the event of poor weather.

Cut Race Times, Not Corners.

Racing at your potential and enjoying training is easy when you’re following the right programme.


Head to an indoor pool instead if you can’t get in the open water or the outdoor pool because of poor weather. If that’s not possible, stretchcordz is a simple and effective way for getting a sport-specific workout done in the comfort of your home. 

You can view a range of stretchcordz videos and other swim training alternatives in a previous post I wrote for everyone during the Covid-19 quarantine.


The obvious choice is to ride indoors on your trainer or head to the gym for a spin class. Indoor cycling has several advantages over outdoor training, so you’ll get a great workout and keep your consistency.

If you don’t have a trainer, do some strength exercises that target cycling-specific muscle groups.

Some examples include …


If you have access to a treadmill, use that. You can do almost any session you had planned on a treadmill, and that will be your best option. If you don’t have one at home or can’t access a gym, you have a couple of other good options.

  1. Skipping. Break out a skipping rope and run on the spot.
  2. Strength training. Do some running-specific strength training to work on your core and the muscles you utilise when running.

Some examples include …

While you can’t control the weather, you can plan in advance and have backup strategies in place for each session. 

These plans will help to limit the immediate stress when foul weather sets in. You’ll simply shift from plan A to plan B. No problem.

If you’re a single sport athlete, training in the morning is an excellent example of a strategy you can employ to increase your chances of getting your training in. 

If you wake up in the morning and you can’t train due to poor weather, you still have another opportunity at lunchtime or after work to get the session done. Remember, consistency is essential.

In the worst-case scenario where training is not possible, don’t beat yourself up. Take the day off and know that the additional rest will benefit you in the long run.

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Ben Pulham

Ben Pulham is the founder of Coached, a personalised training programme that helps runners & triathletes optimise, track and enjoy their training.